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Based on the senior capabilities of Decision's expert consultant team with more than 20 years of SAP experience, combined with Decision's 1,000+ successful project cases, this article summarizes and publishes the corresponding research experience and suggestions of enterprises in promoting ERP project implementation, and continues to escort the SAP implementation and delivery of enterprises.
[Problem Description]
In the production order lifecycle management, there are two deletions for order termination processing, namely, the deletion flag and the deletion indicator. What is the difference between the two? What is the function of each?
[Problem Analysis]
1. In the background production order type configuration (transaction code OPJH), SAP gives the following explanation:
Reorganizing, Archiving
Reorganizing an object (e.g. order, project) normally requires three steps:
Reorganizing an order object usually requires three steps:
In order to reduce user operation errors, SAP also sets two residence times (in calendar months) in the order type:
Residence time 1 determines the time interval (in calendar months) that must elapse between setting the delete flag (step 1) and setting the deletion indicator (step 2). Residence time 1 (in calendar months) is used to limit the minimum interval time from step 1 to step 2; residence time 2 (in calendar months) is used to limit the minimum interval time from step 2 to step 3.
2. SAP library also explains production order archiving as follows:
PP production order archiving object is: PP_ORDER
Order deletion flag, order deletion indicator
Order archiving can only be performed after order deletion indicator
That is, the above three archiving steps are conditional on the completion of the previous step.
3. To delete a single production order, do the following:
Transaction code CO02
4. After the production order is deleted, you can also cancel the deletion mark as follows:
Transaction code CO02
5. In the SAP archiving function, the deletion mark and order deletion indicator for production orders are provided.
Program PPARCHP1
6. Delete the mark, delete the indicator, and the system records the corresponding processing:
Action 1: Delete the mark, the system records
Action 2: Delete indicator, system record
7. Impact after deleting the mark of production order:
Monthly settlement of production order: When executing the monthly settlement task such as CON2/KKAO/KKS1/CO88, the system automatically excludes the order with LOEKZ = X
Appendix: Monthly settlement order object selection program:
Program: LCOSEF01 FORM: ORDER_OBJNR_GET, system execution logic:
???It can be seen that the production order involved in the settlement is, LOEKZ = empty
8. Impact after the production order deletion indicator:
The production order can be archived and deleted in transaction code CO78
The deletion indicator of the production order cannot be undone in the front-end operation (this is the design logic of SAP). If it must be undone, you need to develop a program to modify the data table: JEST, and deactivate the I0013 status number = X, as follows:
JEST OBJNR = OR000010000170 STAT = I0013 INACT = X
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